Seller Readiness Check

Hey there!

How ready will you be to sell your business? Spare 5-10 minutes and find out.
Question X of X

To start, what's your first name?

Question X of X

Thanks, *NAME*. What’s your email?

Question X of X

How about your business name?

If you’d prefer not to tell us, that’s OK too.
Question X of X

Where is your business located?

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Can you tell us what are your primary business activities?

Question X of X

What’s your business structure?

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In an ideal scenario, when would you like to sell your business?

That’s a quick timeline! It takes an average of two years to sell a business. But your timeline is possible if you have all the pieces in place and an eager buyer!
That’s realistic. Make sure you have all the pieces in place before going to market.
You’re wise to plan ahead. This increases your chances of getting what you want out of the deal!
Question X of X

 Do you have a buyer in mind?

No problem. There’s one out there if you have everything in order!
Question X of X

Do you have a strategic plan in place?

Amazing! That will help guide you in the right direction.
Keep going! We can help you with that.
Put it on your radar because it’s important!
No worries...We can help you with that. (You’ll need this to sell your business for a good price.)
Question X of X

Do you have an updated personal will and emergency planning?

Well done!
We can help guide you in the right direction.
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Are you ready to share your up to date key documents—like financial statements, articles of incorporation and more?

Excellent. This will make the process smoother and more lucrative.
No paperwork? No sale! We can help you make sure you have what you’ll need to sell.
Question X of X

Have you completed the following steps?

These each play a key role in selling your business.
Identified what you want to do after you sell your business
Developed an exit timeline
Decided what your future will look like post-sale
Asked a third-party to do a real valuation of your business
Determined what a suitable successor looks like
Started the discussion with a potential buyer
Sought professional assistance in setting up the structure of the sale and drafting the legal documentation
Ensured your current team is aware and on board
Question X of X

Want us to reach out?

If you're thinking that you would like some support with your succession planning, let us know and we'd be happy to help!
Will do! We'll review your answers and be in touch soon.
No worries! If you change your mind, we'll be here.

You scored X / 20

You have a good start!

Connect with ACCFutures to learn how to get all the pieces in place for a smooth and successful sale.

You scored X / 20

Wow. You’ve done some great work so far!

However, you can do a few more things to maximize your success in selling your business. Work with ACCFutures to find out how.

You scored X / 20

You’re very close to being ready.

There are just a few more things you can do to maximize your success in selling your business. Work with ACCFutures to find out how.

You scored X / 20


You’re ready to sell your business. If you need extra support or advice, ACCFutures is here to help anytime.

The final step is to confirm you aren't a robot.

Your Details
First name
Business Info
Business Name
South Dundas
North Dundas
North Stormont
South Stormont
North Glengarry
South Glengarry
Merchandising (Retail)
Sole proprietorship
Your Responses
When would you like to sell?
Do you have a buyer in mind?
Do you have a strategic plan in place?
Updated personal will and emergency plan?
Ready to share your key documents?
Have you completed the following steps?
Identified what you want to do after you sell your business
Developed an exit timeline
Decided what your future will look like post-sale
Asked a third-party to do a real valuation of your business
Determined what a suitable successor looks like
Started the discussion with a potential buyer
Sought professional assistance in setting up the structure of the sale and drafting the legal documentation
Ensured your current team is aware and on board

Bravo on completing your readiness checklist!

If you selected "Yes" to having us reach out, then sit tight and we'll touch base in 1 to 2 business days.

Otherwise, we wish you all the best with your business ventures! If you need support on this or anything else relating to being a business owner—and we know there is a lot—feel free to reach out.

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